Which drink is your perfect match this Valentine’s Day? For a bit of fun, read on to find out which drink suits your personality style best and how many standard drinks is in each serve.

Remember, a standard drink (aka 10g of pure alcohol) is all the adult human liver can process in 1 hour. Anything more than 1 standard drink per hour and the alcohol will start to impact your mind and body. Find out more about standard drinks here and here

The Fun One

You’re the bubbly, fun and easy-breezy one in your relationship! You love a good time and don’t take things too seriously. You bring the joy to social occasions and love to be the centre of attention. When it comes to your dream partner you look for someone that can ground you, but still drop it low on the d-floor when the mood strikes.

Your Valentine’s Day Drink: Lindauer Prosecco! It’s bubbly, celebratory and great for sharing. It’s also a naturally lower in alcohol wine sitting at around 11% ABV.

Standard Drinks: 150ml flute = 1.3 standard drinks (ABV: 11%), meaning it will take your liver 1.3 hours (78mins) to process each flute.

The Stable One

You’re reliable, loyal and steadfast. You always have your partner’s back and don’t mind being the designated driver. But don’t be fooled, you’re never boring and have been known to be the life of the party from time to time. Your perfect partner is just as loyal and committed but helps you loosen up when you need to let your hair down a little!

Your Valentine’s Day Drink: Speight’s Mid Ale. Balanced, mid-strength but full of flavour. This classic Kiwi beer is perfect for a mid-week date night!

Standard Drinks: 330ml bottle = 0.7 standard drinks (ABV: 2.5%) or 0.7 hours (42mins) for your liver to process each bottle.

The Bold One

You’re sassy, confident and like to lead the charge. But you make up for it with your selfless generosity and alluring charm. You love a challenge and would do just about anything for the ‘gram. Your dream significant other has the stamina it takes to keep up with you and knows how to work your angles when shooting that cocktail “boomy”.

Your Valentine’s Day Drink: The Margarita. Shaken to perfection, this Tequila-based cocktail is the perfect drink for loved up couples dreaming of a Mexican getaway! But be mindful of how many you order with dinner – they pack a punch!

Standard Drinks: 1 Margarita cocktail* = 1.9 standard drinks (ABV: 40%). That’s 114mins (1.9 hours) worth of processing for each cocktail

*Based on 45ml Tequila and 15ml Cointreau

Top Tip: Space out your cocktails with a non-alcohol beverage or glass of water in between. This will help to keep you hydrated and give your liver a chance to keep up. Remember, the average adult liver can only process 1 standard drink (10g of pure alcohol) per hour and there’s no way to speed this up!

The Loving One

You’re loving, kind and thoughtful. Your perfect date involves Italian food, vino and an evening stroll. Your friends think it’s cheesy that you love V-Day chocolate and flowers but you’re definitely not high maintenance! You’re a committed partner who loves to spoil as much as being spoiled. Your perfect partner is as into romance as you are and is happy spending Friday night on the couch binge-watching the latest hot series with you.

Your Valentine’s Day Drink: Wither Hills Pinot Noir. A fruity but spicy red made beautifully, right here in New Zealand.

Standard Drinks: 150ml glass = 1.7 standard drinks (ABV: 14%), 102 mins to process each glass.

The Traditional One

You’re planning your wedding on the second date. The cul-de-sac life with 2.5 children sounds like a pretty sweet deal to you. When it comes to romance you like to keep it private so your significant other shouldn’t expect much PDA. You’re reliable, supportive and ambitious. Your perfect +1 is supportive of your dreams and has big plans of their own!

Your Valentine’s Day Drink: Whiskey. Strong, somewhat acquired and a little posh… Neat or on the rocks, whiskey is your perfect V-Day tipple.

Standard Drinks: 30ml glass = 1 standard drink (ABV: 40%) or 1 hour to process.
Top Tip: Add soda to your whisky to make it a more refreshing summer drink! It will also help you pace your drinking and keep you hydrated. Head here to learn more about size, space and pace – an easy way to make the good times last longer when drinking.

The Adventurous One

You’re spontaneous, outgoing and a bit of a thrill-seeker. You desperately want to make your partner happy but your itchy feet make you a little unreliable. Because you get bored easily you need a date who keeps you on your toes and loves to chase adventure as much as you do!

Your Valentine’s Day Drink: Panhead Rat Rod Hazy. Designed for go more than show, this IPA is a bit of you this Valentine’s Day.

Standard Drinks: 330ml bottle = 1.7 standard drinks (ABV: 6.5%) or 102 mins (1.7 hours) for your liver to process each bottle.

The Balanced One

You love a good time but believe everything is best in moderation! You’re well-balanced, supportive and a great listener. Your perfect partner is someone who enjoys a few drinks with the crew but is also up for an early morning fishing trip. They have your back and you have theirs.

Your Valentine’s Day Drink: Steinlager Zero. Enjoying tonight and tomorrow! This 0% beer has all the flavour without the alcohol.

Standard Drinks: 330ml bottle = 0 standard drinks (ABV: <0.05%)

Planning a big Valentine’s Day celebration? Make it a date you can remember for all the right reasons if you’re drinking by eating some good food before, during and after drinking,  include plenty of water and other non-alcs in between your drinks and being mindful of the size of your drinks. No one likes a like sloppy date – whether it’s the first or fiftieth, keep your standards high and standard drinks moderated

Happy Valentine’s Day Lovers!

For more on standard drinks and making the good times last longer head to our quick, fun and interactive online modules.